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This page aims at listing the pedagogic resources that are useful for beginners (and not only).
Please help us feed this page. If you think a useful resource is missing, please send an email to contact@ampere-society.org.


Horst Friebolin (Wiley)
Basic One- and Two-Dimensional NMR Spectroscopy

Harald Günther (Wiley)
NMR Spectroscopy: Basic Principles, Concepts and Applications in Chemistry

Peter Hore, Jonathan Jones, and Stephen Wimperis (Oxford Universtiy Press)
NMR: The Toolkit

Peter Hore (Oxford Universtiy Press)
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

John Cavanagh, Nicholas Skelton, Wayne Fairbrother, Mark Rance, Arthur Palmer (Elsevier)
Protein NMR Spectroscopy

Malcolm H. Levitt (Wiley)
Spin Dynamics: Basics of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

James Keeler (Wiley)
Understanding NMR Spectroscopy

Lectures and tutorials

Exercises on solving structures from NMR spectra
NMR challenge

Tutorial videos on various topics of magnetic resonance
AMPERE Visual Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance

Video lectures on various topics of magnetic resonance
ANZMAG’s youtube channel

Lectures on magnetic resonance theory from the basics to advanced topics
Ilya Kurpov’s youtube channel

Educative talks on magnetic resonance topics, introduction to specialized topics
Global NMR Discussion Meetings

Quentin Stern: tutorial videos on NMR data processing, model fitting and basic spin dynamics simulation on MATLAB
MATLAB for NMR spectroscopists

Malcolm Levitt: video lectures on NMR simulation using SpinDynamica
SpinDynamica lecture series

James Keeler: video lectures on NMR theory, in particular on the product operator formalism Understanding NMR lecture series

MOOCs and online exercices

Basics of NMR, liquid-state, solid-state and advanced
MOOCs by Olivier Lafon

Geoffrey Bodenhausen, MOOC on NMR
Basic Steps in Magnetic Resonance (following the structure of the book NMR: The Toolkit)

Series of exercise on NMR processing and data handling
NMRium for teaching


Lectures (as online text) on the basics of NMR including a large database of chemical shifts and coupling constants
NMR spectroscopy, Prof. Hans Reich’s collection

Platform with information on various topics related to magnetic resonance (NMR experiments, software, history, theory, …)
NMR Wiki

Lectures (as online text) on the basics of NMR and on practical aspects of resonance assignment and structure determination
Protein NMR, a practical guide

lectures (videos and handouts) on quantum mechanics, NMR theory, quantum chemistry, mathematical methods in quantum chemistry
Theoretical and computational Spin Dynamics Group

Blog posts on experimental NMR methods and procedures
University of Ottawa NMR Facility Blog