Purpose & Benefits
As a non profit umbrella organization Groupement Ampere promotes and supports
progress in the field of Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena in Europe
and worldwide.
The Groupement organizes congresses (as for example EUROMAR),
specialized colloques, symposia, summer schools and workshops and honors
outstanding contributions in the fields with prizes as the Young Investigator
Ampere Prize or the Raymond Andrew Prize.
Furthermore, selected events receive support for tutorial lectures and
travel grants are awarded to students with outstanding abstracts.
The bulletin as statuary organ informs on recent and future schools and
conferences, publishes posterprize abstracts and portrays prize winners,
prominent people in the field and acts as platform for key developments.
Members of the Groupement benefit from reduction in the registration fee
for all Ampere conferences, symposia and summer schools.
A membership lasts either 1 or 3 years and does not renew automatically.
A cancellation of an ongoing membership is not possible.